Everything you wanted to know about beauty injections. 15 questions to a cosmetologist

The word ‘Botox’ has long been as common as ‘Xerox’ or ‘Jeep’: Botox is usually understood by non-specialists as any beauty injection that relaxes facial muscles, prevents the formation of wrinkles and, as a result, rejuvenates the skin. In fact, Botox® is just one of the cosmetic products manufactured by the American company Allergan; it was authorised for use in the USA back in 1989. Of course, not only Botox is used for beauty injections in modern cosmetology.

Beauty Injections
Beauty Injections

Photos via Unsplash.com

I talked to Nadia Agrenich, a cosmetologist from Odesa about

  • what cosmetology products beauty cosmetologists use today for the best results,
  • when to start making beauty injections and
  • what problems beauty products (BP) may solve.

Tania Pochtiennykh

Nadia, the more I read about beauty injections, the more I realize that I don’t understand anything. I am sure that for many of my readers it is also kind of terra incognita. So do you mind if we start with the basics?

Nadia Agrenich

Well, beauty injections, also known as cosmetic injections, are treatments that involve injecting substances into the skin to improve its appearance. These substances can include botulinum toxin (like Botox), dermal fillers (like hyaluronic acid), and other chemical products.

Tania Pochtiennykh

As far as I know, drugs have their own ‘zone’. I.e., some are used only for the forehead, others – only for the nasolabial zone, others fill wrinkles and correct cheekbones. Are there any injections that are not botulinum toxin based? (hyaluronic acid?)

Nadia Agrenich

Yes, there are many injections that are not botulinum toxin-based. Hyaluronic acid fillers are a popular alternative. These fillers are used to add volume to areas like the cheeks, lips, and nasolabial folds. Other non-botulinum toxin-based injections include calcium hydroxylapatite and poly-L-lactic acid.

Tania Pochtiennykh

What botulinum toxin-based preparations do you use?

Nadia Agrenich

My colleagues and I use several botulinum toxin-ased preparations, including Botox (onabotulinumtoxin A), Dysport (abobotulinumtoxinA), Xeomin (incobotulinumtoxinA), and Jeuveau (prabotulinumtoxinA).

Tania Pochtiennykh

What are the contraindications of botulinum toxin preparations and, by the way, why are they called that –  botulinum toxin? The second half of the word – toxin – evokes not very pleasant associations.

Beauty lip treatment

Nadia Agrenich

Botulinum toxin preparations are contraindicated in individuals with neuromuscular disorders, such as myasthenia gravis,  or in those with an active infection at the injection site. They are called toxin because they are derived from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, which produces a potent neurotoxin.

Tania Pochtiennykh

At what age do you recommend starting injections and why?

Nadia Agrenich

We generally recommend starting beauty injections around the age of 25-30, as this is when early signs of ageing, such as fine lines and wrinkles, begin to appear. However, some people may benefit from starting earlier, around 20-25, if they have specific concerns or a family history of early ageing.

Tania Pochtiennykh

When is it too late to start injections? In other words, are there any age restrictions?

There are no Nadia Agrenichstrict age restrictions for beauty injections, but it’s important to consider individual skin conditions and health  factors. While older individuals can still benefit from injections, the results may be less dramatic compared to younger patients.

Tania Pochtiennykh

Are products from reputable companies being counterfeited by fraudsters? Have you encountered fakes and their results?  What should you look out for to minimise the risk of complications or to avoid having your face disfigured?

Nadia Agrenich

Yes, counterfeit beauty products are a significant issue. These products are often made in unhygienic conditions and can contain harmful substances. To minimise the risk, always purchase from reputable sources, check for proper packaging and labelling, and consult with a licensed professional.

Fake beauty products are dangerous
Fake beauty products are dangerous

Tania Pochtiennykh

I’ve seen a lot of of women who have had beauty injections to spoil rather than beautify their faces. Apart from a poor-quality product, could there be other reasons for such transformations? If, say, I am going to the procedure of rejuvenation, what would you recommend me?

Nadia Agrenich

Well, poor results can also be due to inexperienced practitioners or improper technique. To avoid this, always choose a qualified and experienced professional, discuss your goals and concerns thoroughly, and follow aftercare instructions carefully.

Tania Pochtiennykh

Nadia, do you agree, that it is not just face that shall be taken care of?  The décolleté area, hands and the general condition of the skin, too, as a rule, give away age.

Nadia Agrenich

You’re right. The décolleté area, hands, and overall skin condition also show signs of ageing. Treatments like dermal fillers, chemical peels, and laser therapy can address these areas as well.

Tania Pochtiennykh

I’m not talking about the fact that beauty injections after 40-45 years old fight with the consequences of the ageing process, not with its causes. Or am I wrong? Perhaps you know what to do to rejuvenate the body as a whole? Sure, I understand, ageing is a natural process, but – let’s face it – we all want to slow down the process. We all would prefer to live longer and to stay active and healthy, would we not?

Nadia Agrenich

While beauty injections can address the visible signs of ageing, they don’t stop the ageing process itself. For overall rejuvenation, a combination of treatments, including skincare routines, a healthy diet, regular exercise, and possibly non-invasive procedures, can be beneficial. Sure, I understand that these words have already been used, but!!! These measures really work, and without them the most expensive procedures will not be effective.

Tania Pochtiennykh

Nadia, how does the procedure work? Let’s say a potential client calls you and says she or he wants to have a beauty injection. What would you ask her / him and what would you suggest?

Nadia Agrenich

I would ask about her specific concerns, medical history, and previous treatments. Based on her answers, I would suggest the most appropriate treatment plan, which might include a combination of botulinum toxin and dermal fillers.

Beauty cosmetology, wrinkles elimination
Beauty cosmetology, wrinkles elimination

Tania Pochtiennykh

How often do you need to repeat the procedure and what is its approximate cost?

Nadia Agrenich

The frequency of beauty injections varies, but typically, botulinum toxin treatments last 3- months, and dermal fillers can last 6-18 months. Costs vary depending on the type and amount of product used, but they generally range from $300 to $2,000 per session.

Tania Pochtiennykh

Thank you very much, Nadia. I think you’ve answered the most asked questions of my readers, but probably they would like to use the possibility to comment this post and ask even more. Could you then answer them?

Nadia Agrenich

Sure, I’ll do it with great pleasure. The more they understand about the process, the better it is for them. I’ll be happy to know that I have been of great help.

SPA treatment
SPA treatment